Now, let's be real. We all screw up. We are trying to improve, trying to be better people even though we will not measure up to the holiest of standards. Rather than striving to raise our children in homes of perfection, we want to raise them in a home of confession. Let's be real... is there an undershirt or isn't there? Not sure if that entirely works. I'm not gonna think about it too hard.
I recently listened to an episode of one of my favorite podcasts, "Don't feed the trolls" about the guy that played as Biff in back to the future and how people seem to always see him as that one character he played (Here's the link to the episode: He wants to be percieved as more than this two-dimensional character he played in the movie.
They then began talking about how we generally do this... we view people as two dimensional, rather than three dimensional. In reality, so many things we observe are this way. So often, we look at situations, we look at people, we look at situations and make conclusions based on very little data. We need to think critically, to consider the nuance in life rather than making assumptions. When we reach a conclusion, we should be able to go back to determine where we gathered the info. As Susan Etlinger says "it's like the Math teacher says, 'show your work'".
Them glasses tho... is that Harry Potter's mom?
Anyways... I really believe we should be on the forefront of this as Christians. We need to take the time to see things clearly... to take the plank out of our eye first and foremost, then sort out the information.
Good Blog guys. Next time add some more super villains!!!!! :)